Even today, you could argue that our current obsession with zombies comes from an innate desire to move away from the digital media saturated lives we live. If you look at Romero's films, they run the gamut of tone: Night of the Living Dead touched upon civil rights, Dawn of the Dead was a satire on consumer culture and Day of the Dead is statement on the institutions of military and science. And the zombie genre has always been good at this. But it's how the movie weaves elements of other films into it that makes it such a treat to watch. These elements alone would make Shaun of the Dead a serviceable zombie film. In between the opening and closing credits, other hallmarks of the zombie genre are used: the introduction of an annoying secondary character who hates the main characters and dies as a zombie offering some catharsis for the protagonists, important characters dying as a means to push the emotional plot and growth of our heroes and some wholesale slapstick violence thrown in for good measure. Once the movie picks up pace, it utilizes a handful of zombie genre basics: a slow moving zombie horde to establish the main threat, a fearful journey to bring loved ones to safety and the essential need to find a stronghold to protect themselves from the zombie threat until it blows over. Much of the film carries the tropes of the zombie genre. He devises a plan to not only protect himself, but to win back his ex-girlfriend, who broke up with him right before the zombie outbreak occurred.

Of course, like most zombie movies, Shaun disregards this advice.

Like many zombie films set in modern times, the newscasters suggest staying in doors and letting the authorities and military handle the threat. The news confirms that the bodies of the dead are attacking and consuming the flesh of the living.
A scene very early on in the film shows the title character watching TV and learning of the news of vicious attacks on his fellow Londoners. In fact, in the DVD extras of Shaun of the Dead, the film's lead actor, Simon Pegg confirmed that prior to releasing the film, he and director Edgar Wright sought out Romero's approval and blessing before releasing the film. There's no doubt that Shaun of the Dead is an homage to the zombie film classics that George A. To see how it succeeds at that, it's helpful to see how well it pulls off being a zombie movie first. Shaun of the Dead proves that the zombie genre can be the vehicle for all sorts of films. Its action scenes are both harrowing and creative, its humor is uniquely British but universally palatable and while the majority of its cast are comic actors, they take the movie's script and explore the full range of human emotions. At its core, it's a satire of the romantic comedy genre, nestled within a zombie film aesthetic. Shaun of the Dead looks at the list of genres available to a film and decided to check off as many as it could. They're both good examples of what the core ideas of the zombie genre can do when you push them to their limits, but neither worries about seeing what's possible if you ignore those limits entirely. Both are fine at what they do, the latter being a massive cultural phenomenon, but neither stretches beyond their boundaries. Or The Walking Dead television show that's continued AMC's trend of intense emotional dramas since 2010. Consider the Resident Evil films that have been strictly big budget action movies since the first one premiered in 2002. That's what makes it such a great film: for over a decade, the zombie genre has felt one note. In an hour and 40 minutes, Shaun of the Dead confirms it can be a romantic comedy, satire, zombie film, buddy comedy, action film, tragedy, tale of redemption and the start of a trilogy. While it's a satire of the romantic comedy genre housed in a zombie film, the movie proves that the zombie genre has the capacity to support ALL genres. Shaun of the Dead could be the perfect movie. Whether that's the scariest movies you haven't seen yet or a look at a popular Treehouse of Horror episode, this is our tribute to the world of the strange, creepy and downright horrifying that exists within popular culture. 31, Polygon will publish 13 opinion pieces about different films, shows and specials that exemplify what Halloween means to us. Welcome to Polygon's 13 Days of Halloween series! Between Oct.